support to innovation

Results 1 - 8 of 8.

i-net - Promotion of Innovation in Northwestern Switzerland
i-net - Promotion of Innovation in Northwestern Switzerland | Northwestern Switzerland | Category: Innovation | The mission of i-net innovation networks switzerland is to promote innovation in Northwestern Switzerland. ...

IFJ Institut für Jungunternehmen IFJ Institut für Jungunternehmen | Wiesenstrasse 5, 8952 Schlieren | Category: Innovation

innoBE innoBE | Location: Bern - Bern region | Wankdorffeldstrasse 102, 3000 Bern 22 | Category: Innovation | be-advanced unterstützt Neuunternehmen im Kanton Bern mit Beratung und Angeboten. ...

Innovation | Category: Innovation | This website lists spin-off companies (co-)founded by researchers of the University of Bern and the University of Zurich ...

StartZentrum StartZentrum | Location: Zurich - Zurich region | Sihlquai 125, 8005 Zürich | Category: Innovation | Das StartZentrum in Zürich hilft beim Firmenaufbau mit umfassenden Dienstleistungen für Jungunternehmen.
Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI)
Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) | Stauffacherstrasse 59G, 3014 Bern | Category: Innovation | The IPI is responsible for examining, granting and administering industrial property rights (patents, trade marks and designs).

Unitectra Unitectra | Scheuchzerstrasse 21, 8006 Zürich | Category: Innovation | The technology transfer organization of the Universities of Bern and Zurich

Venturelab Venturelab | EPFL Innovation Park, Bâtiment C, 1015 Lausanne | Category: Innovation | Venturelab originally started in 2004 as a national startup training program mandat