In this video, Franziska Moos - a PhD candidate in the lab of Prisca Liberali at the FMI - discusses the development of the new microscope, which can image different multicellular systems, including organoids and entire animals such as Hydra. The microscope allows for long-term imaging and can capture high-resolution images of cells and tissues in real-time - two abilities that have the potential to transform imaging studies and enable scientific breakthroughs.
Original publication:
Franziska Moos*, Simon Suppinger*, Gustavo de Medeiros, Koen Cornelius Oost, Andrea Boni, Camille Rémy, Sera Lotte Weevers, Charisios Tsiairis, Petr Strnad^ & Prisca Liberali^ Open-top multisample dual-view light-sheet microscope for live imaging of large multicellular systems Nature Methods (2024) Advance online publication*co-first authors ^co-corresponding authors
About the first authors
Franziska Moos is a PhD candidate in the Liberali lab. She’s from Germany and enjoys going to the gym and dancing West Coast Swing in her free time.
Simon Suppinger is also a PhD candidate in the Liberali lab and hails from Austria. His hobbies include hiking and visiting modern-art museums.