

Social Sciences

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Social Sciences - Economics - 10.09.2024
Pension provision: Swiss in favor of solidarity
For employees between the ages of 20 and 65, solidarity in pension provision is important, and is particularly pronounced in the AHV. But it is also strong in the 2nd pillar. These are the findings of a study by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) has once again sounded out the Swiss population on the subject of retirement planning.

Health - Social Sciences - 29.08.2024
Equal opportunities not guaranteed: Study shows striking differences in Covid-19 diseases
Equal opportunities not guaranteed: Study shows striking differences in Covid-19 diseases
The chance of a healthy life is not the same for everyone. On behalf of the FOPH, the FHNW has conducted a study on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the migrant population in Switzerland, which provides in-depth insights. In the study, the FHNW investigated the question of how severely the migrant population was affected by severe cases of Covid-19 and how they were able to cope with this crisis.

Social Sciences - Criminology / Forensics - 27.06.2024
Why people resort to lynching
Why people resort to lynching
Why do civilians take the law into their own hands? Using Mexico as an example, ETH researcher Enzo Nussio shows how it's a combination of a weak state and strong local communities. In late March 2024, an eight-year-old girl went missing in Taxco, a small Mexican town two-and-a-half hours' drive south of Mexico City.

Mathematics - Social Sciences - 10.06.2024
Peers Crucial in Shaping Boys’ Confidence in Math Skills
Boys are good at math, girls not so much? A study from the University of Zurich has analyzed the social mechanisms that contribute to the gender gap in math confidence. While peer comparisons seem to play a crucial role for boys, girls' subjective evaluations are more likely to be based on objective performance.

Psychology - Social Sciences - 05.06.2024
Sexual minorities experience greater exclusion in everyday situations
Sexual minorities experience greater exclusion in everyday situations
Lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience greater exclusion than heterosexual people. This is the conclusion of a recent study by researchers from the University of Basel and the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU). Heterosexual individuals who deviate from traditional gender roles are also affected.

Social Sciences - Life Sciences - 27.05.2024
Cultural Networks of Central African Hunter-Gatherers Have Ancient Origin
Cultural Networks of Central African Hunter-Gatherers Have Ancient Origin
Extensive social networks between different hunter-gatherer groups in the Congo Basin existed long before agriculture arrived in the region. This continent-wide exchange preserved a cultural diversity that evolved thousands of years ago, as researchers from the University of Zurich show based on musical instruments, specialized vocabulary and genetic information.

Environment - Social Sciences - 27.02.2024
Sustainability of cultural institutions: an initial analysis
Sustainability of cultural institutions: an initial analysis
Do museums, theaters and cultural institutions have a good record in terms of social and environmental sustainability - Researchers at the University of Lausanne have conducted an international survey of over 200 major institutions.

Social Sciences - 24.01.2024
Young People from Poorer Families Make Fewer Friends
A new study has found that children growing up in low-income families have fewer opportunities to make friends and to socially integrate at school. Researchers from the University of Zurich and the University of Stockholm examined data from over 200 school classes in Sweden and reached this conclusion.

Social Sciences - 10.01.2024
How accommodation in host families works
How accommodation in host families works
People in Switzerland have generously offered private accommodation for refugees from Ukraine as a result of the Russian war of aggression. The host families provide important support for the refugees' arrival and promote integration, provided the conditions for successful integration are met. These are the findings of a new study by Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) and Swiss Refugee Council (SFH).

Environment - Social Sciences - 29.11.2023
Small apartments have potential in Switzerland
Small apartments have potential in Switzerland
There is a high level of interest in small forms of housing among the Swiss population. However, there are clear differences between those who already live or have lived in such a form of housing and those who can imagine doing so in principle. These are the findings of a study conducted by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Environment - Social Sciences - 22.11.2023
Durability: young people use their phones longer
Durability: young people use their phones longer
Young Swiss use their smartphones for almost three years before replacing them. That's almost a year longer than in 2016, according to the latest JAMESfocus report from ZHAW and Swisscom. While technical features and price remain central for young people when buying a cell phone, sustainability criteria are also gaining in importance .

Environment - Social Sciences - 13.11.2023
Diverse forests hold huge carbon potential, as long as we cut emissions
Diverse forests hold huge carbon potential, as long as we cut emissions
New study estimates that natural forest recovery could capture approximately 226 Gigatonnes (Gt) of carbon, but only if we also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Achieving these results requires community-driven efforts to conserve and restore biodiversity. Research results published in the journal, external page Nature call_made , show that realistic global forest carbon potential is approximately 226 Gigatonnes (Gt) of carbon.

Social Sciences - 08.11.2023
How Often Intra-European Migrants Send Money Back Home
Sociology How often do European migrants in Switzerland transfer money to their home countries, and how much money do they send? A study by the University of Zurich now shows that people from Portugal tend to send smaller amounts more often, while people from the UK are more likely to send larger amounts but do so less frequently.

Social Sciences - Psychology - 16.10.2023
The emotional function of dreams is not the same everywhere
The emotional function of dreams is not the same everywhere
By comparing the dreams of Western and non-Western populations, a study by the University of Geneva and the University of Toronto shows that dreams can have a variable emotional function. Why do we dream? A product of our brain's neurophysiology, dreaming is a complex experience that can take on many emotional tones and simulate reality to varying degrees.

Social Sciences - 05.10.2023
Family expansion is most common reason for relocation
Family expansion is most common reason for relocation
Around 45 percent of the Swiss population is considering moving. More than half of them would like more living space. This is shown by a study conducted by the ZHAW in collaboration with the Federal Office of Housing, the Fédération Romande Immobiličre, the Swiss Homeowners Association and Raiffeisen Switzerland .

Social Sciences - Health - 05.09.2023
Active children are more resilient
Active children are more resilient
The school year has hardly begun and the first exams are already approaching. According to findings by researchers from the University of Basel, school children cope better with the stress if they get plenty of daily exercise. "Get some exercise!" It's one suggestion adults frequently hear when they complain about stress in their lives.

Social Sciences - Pedagogy - 30.08.2023
Too few qualified employees in daycare centers
Too few qualified employees in daycare centers
Supplementary family childcare in Switzerland lacks qualified staff. This has a negative impact on both the development of the children and the well-being of the employees. This is shown by a study conducted by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. In Switzerland, a considerable proportion of staff in supplementary family childcare work without formal qualifications.

Environment - Social Sciences - 30.08.2023
Neighbors can influence your decision to buy solar panels
Neighbors can influence your decision to buy solar panels
An EPFL study carried out in Vaud Canton has shed light on the factors that can prompt people to buy solar panels. It found that having neighbors with solar panels plays a significant role, alongside more well-known influences, such as our social circle. If you're a homeowner, have a high-level job, and have friends or family members with solar panels, chances are that you've got them, too.

Health - Social Sciences - 08.08.2023
Helping the community or protecting oneself? Volunteering during the pandemic
There was a lot of solidarity among people during the coronavirus pandemic - especially at the beginning. Researchers at the University of Basel recently studied how case and fatality numbers influenced volunteer work. Their findings have important implications for governmental authorities about how to manage future crises.

Social Sciences - Environment - 13.07.2023
Future image of Weidteile - an attractive urban quarter
Future image of Weidteile - an attractive urban quarter
Following the suspension of the A5 Westast implementation project at the end of 2020, Stadtlabor Biel/Bienne is presenting a further developed vision of the future for the redesign of the Bernstrasse axis in the direction of Brügg.
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