Lucerne University of Applied Sciences
Results 1 - 20 of 20.
Social Sciences - Economics - 10.09.2024
Pension provision: Swiss in favor of solidarity
For employees between the ages of 20 and 65, solidarity in pension provision is important, and is particularly pronounced in the AHV. But it is also strong in the 2nd pillar. These are the findings of a study by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) has once again sounded out the Swiss population on the subject of retirement planning.
Computer Science - Innovation - 27.08.2024
Effects of digitalization on culture examined
Whether it's folk music, a theater festival or game design: culture thrives on encounters between people, their works and their activities. Technology has always played an important role in this. But what are the current interdependencies between digital possibilities and cultural creation? A three-part TA-SWISS project is taking a close look at the opportunities and risks of digitalization in the cultural sector.
Innovation - Economics - 28.05.2024
Retail banks: cryptocurrencies on the rise as an investment
Despite widespread skepticism, more and more retail banks are offering cryptocurrencies as a fully-fledged asset class. While some banks are specifically building up their own expertise in blockchain, most are relying on third-party providers. These are the findings of a new study by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
Economics - 29.04.2024
With a gambling ban against addiction and over-indebtedness
Since 2000, Switzerland has had a statutory gambling ban. This can be applied for voluntarily by those affected or ordered by casinos and lotteries in order to prevent over-indebtedness. A study by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has investigated whether this gambling ban is an effective measure to protect players and how it affects the gambling behavior and quality of life of those affected.
Microtechnics - Computer Science - 11.01.2024
Robots improve hearing aids
It is extremely time-consuming to measure how sound behaves in a room. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the hearing aid manufacturer Sonova have therefore developed robots that can take over this task. This serves to improve hearing aids in rooms with a lot of background noise.
Social Sciences - 10.01.2024
How accommodation in host families works
People in Switzerland have generously offered private accommodation for refugees from Ukraine as a result of the Russian war of aggression. The host families provide important support for the refugees' arrival and promote integration, provided the conditions for successful integration are met. These are the findings of a new study by Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) and Swiss Refugee Council (SFH).
Environment - Social Sciences - 29.11.2023
Small apartments have potential in Switzerland
There is a high level of interest in small forms of housing among the Swiss population. However, there are clear differences between those who already live or have lived in such a form of housing and those who can imagine doing so in principle. These are the findings of a study conducted by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
Health - 08.11.2023
Structural disadvantages in addiction support
Addiction support in Switzerland has grown historically and is the responsibility of the cantons and municipalities. The structures and services are correspondingly fragmented. People affected by addiction cannot always access the same help services. The place of residence and canton influence the services on offer.
Social Sciences - Pedagogy - 30.08.2023
Too few qualified employees in daycare centers
Supplementary family childcare in Switzerland lacks qualified staff. This has a negative impact on both the development of the children and the well-being of the employees. This is shown by a study conducted by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. In Switzerland, a considerable proportion of staff in supplementary family childcare work without formal qualifications.
Environment - 21.06.2023
Solar cooker with energy storage in Madagascar
Solar stoves with thermal energy storage for families in Madagascar are intended to prevent even more forest from being lost in Madagascar.
Health - Sport - 13.06.2023
Ergometer with landscape and fresh air
The e-bike is not considered the first choice of sports equipment. In some cases, however, it can be just the thing: An app that enables controlled training is designed to give people with heart problems the necessary security and make it easier for athletic beginners to get started.
Architecture - Materials Science - 18.04.2023
Revolution in brick production
Modern brick facades mostly consist of homogeneous bricks. The Keller companies and HSLU researchers have developed a production process for bricks that opens up completely new design possibilities for architects. The joint Innosuisse research project arose from an award-winning thesis in the Master Design at HSLU.
Health - Innovation - 23.03.2023
More efficient instruments for cataract surgery
One and a half million times a year, the instruments of eye surgery specialist Oertli Instrumente AG are used for cataract operations. In cooperation with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, the Rhine Valley company is working on instruments that will make the operation safer and even more efficient.
Innovation - Economics - 08.03.2023
FinTech in Switzerland: back on track for growth
After a decline in 2021, the Swiss FinTech sector grew again in 2022. Insights into the dynamic financial technology market are provided by the results of this year's FinTech study by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. After a decline of around five percent in 2021, the development of the Swiss FinTech sector returned to its usual direction.
Innovation - Computer Science - 03.02.2023
Race against the machine - now knowledge work is also changing
OpenAI and the recently viral chatbot ChatGPT - in the course of the digital transformation, algorithms, database systems and artificial intelligence are increasingly taking over tasks that were previously performed by humans. What do these changes mean for employees? Peter Kels and Kai Dröge put it in perspective.
Health - Social Sciences - 10.12.2022
LGBT people at a health disadvantage
The University of Lucerne studied whether and in which areas lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans (LGBT) people have unequal health opportunities compared to the rest of the Swiss population.
Economics - Environment - 24.11.2022
Smartphone banks compete with traditional banks for business
One in ten people in Switzerland already uses a smartphone bank. Although such neo-banks have so far only been used as secondary and third-party banks, they could also challenge the established banks' status as principal bankers in the future. This is the result of a study by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts on the Swiss retail banking market.
Economics - 18.10.2022
Returns in online retail: what they cost and how they can be avoided
Returns are an integral part of online retailing. Up to 60 percent of the goods ordered are returned in individual online stores. This causes high costs, as the online retailer survey by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts reveals. An HSLU research team asked online stores how returns can be avoided.
Environment - Architecture - 05.09.2022
Green city: a few bushes are not enough to refresh
Extreme heat makes life barely bearable, especially in cities. Greenery is supposed to help regulate the temperature. Experts from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts explain how we can go green in terms of urban climate. Planting an avenue here, greening a roof there - Peter Schwehr, Head of the Competence Center for Typology & Planning in Architecture at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, thinks little of it.
Economics - Innovation - 09.12.2021
Chats, Chatbots and Voicebots - Arrived in Banking?
Questions about finances, savings accounts, or retirement planning: More and more interactions with the bank are taking place via low-threshold, digital communication channels. Almost half of customers can imagine communicating with their bank via chat or chatbot. This is shown by the Conversational Banking study conducted by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.